Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Beginning...

Good Afternoon, and welcome to the Discussions surrounding, most primarily, Harry Potter and the Wizarding World in which he lives.

This designated space will be, first and foremost, a place for discussing the Harry Potter novels, written by Joanne K. Rowling. Second and second-most, it will be a recruiting ground for all those who wish to join the S.S.H.A.T.B.W.L.B.W.S.R.T.C. -- in other (and in a far larger quantity of) words, the Severus Snape Hates All The Books We Like But We Still Read Them Club, which comprises of members dedicated to (and mildly dangerously obsessed with) the Harry Potter Series, from the very meager beginnings of a scarred baby to his coming-of-age as a wizard who (evidently, as he is You-Know-Who's nemesis) suffers trials and tribulations, while tumbling along the rickety road to mastering magical means of living and breathing.

We shall delve into the secrets hidden in the folds of all seven novels; however, in no particular order shall the books be addressed. Topics may range from Rita Skeeter to The Slug Club to Divination lessons, but rest assured, no Doxy-filled curtain will be un-brushed, and no Skiving Snackbox shall be left sealed.

Welcome, friends, to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. May you find yourselves entranced as though Imperiused, confused as though Confunded, and attracted as though Accio'd as you peruse this veritable Forbidden Forest of thoughts, ideas, conclusions, and of course, concoctions that even Professor Snape would be hesitant to create.